Sales Leadership Coaching
Why Hire a Coach?
I jumped into sales management at 27 y/o and, like many others, didn't have any formal training. Over the years, I searched for mentors, learned tidbits from peers, and formulated my own way to lead and develop. I believe my path from Sales Manager > CRO would have been accelerated (and experience less bumps along the way) if I had a true coach during my journey. Someone who was truly invested in me, without the distractions of hitting a monthly target. Often times, your boss is too busy to truly invest in YOU and your career path. They are just trying to survive themselves, and worried about the next deal and making the current quarter. I help sales managers gain the necessary skills to truly be GREAT. Not just hit your next quarter sales quota, but really understand what it takes to be in the next seat.
Program Details
Your Path to CRO. Here's a snapshot of what you can expect